Lumrah hidup anak perantauan yang bekerja di bandar, sudah pasti mereka akan sedaya-upaya untuk mengurangkan kos perbelanjaan bagi menampung kehidupan dan membuat simpanan.
Oleh itu, ramai yang memilih untuk menyewa bilik kerana ianya jauh lebih murah dari menyewa sebuah rumah sendiri.
Pun begitu, tentunya dalam satu rumah akan mempunyai orang luar yang tidak dikenali turut menyewa. Jadi, kita perlu berkongsi dan bertolak ansur antara satu sama lain.
Namun lain pula ceritanya dengan kisah yang tular baru-baru ini dimana seorang wanita meluahkan dirinya ditampar housemate kerana memasak mencuri perhatian ramai.

Menerusi perkongsiannya di laman Facebook Vestene Wong, housemate terbabit mengambil tindakan sebegitu kerana mendakwa gadis itu telah menganggu waktu tidurnya dengan memasak seawal 5 pagi kerana ingin membuat sarapan sebelum pergi hiking.
Melalui rakaman CCTV berdurasi 21 saat itu, dapat kita lihat housematenya yang berbaju hitam tiba-tiba datang menerjah wanita ini di dapur dan menampar sehingga merah pipi.

Oleh kerana wanita ini merasakan ianya satu perkara yang keterlaluan, dia telah membuat laporan polis namun ketika polis bertanya kenapa menampar gadis itu, housemate tersebut dengan selamba berkata dirinya mempunyai mild anxiety dan perlu banyak berehat sambil menunjuk bekas ubat-ubatannya.
Bagaimana pun, pihak polis hanya meminta housemate itu untuk memohon maaf kepada gadis terbabit, tetapi semasa membuat permohonan maaf, housematenya tetap menyalahkan gadis tersebut dengan mengatakan dia tidak bersikap bertimbang rasa.
Video yang tular di laman Facebook:
“Hi everyone, today I’m using the social media platform to raise my voice what has happened to me on Sunday morning.
“To start of with, I am currently living in a rental room with three housemates (a female housemate at ground floor outside the kitchen and two male housemates in the upper floor). On 5/3/2022 Sunday, I had plan on going for hiking with friends and I went to the kitchen to prepare food at 5am.
BACA: Ada Tangan Di Lampu Siling, Pelajar Ini Cuak Siap Panggil Polis Rupanya…
“However, in less than 10 minutes of being in the kitchen.. my housemate who’s living In the ground floor had walked out of the room and slapped me in the face. The reason was because I woke her up.
“She also shouted at me with foul language and questioned me why did I not carry my stove to the living room to cook.
“At that moment, I was shocked because I thought that was a common area,anyone could use it anytime and it was my first time using the kitchen this early. In fact, I double confirmed with my landlord that there’s no curfew on using the common area.
“I told her I will be filing a report to the police and she told me she could get away with it by engaging a lawyer and sue me because she got anxiety.
“So if one of the tenant is hungry in the middle of the night and decided to make supper, does he/she has to get slapped in the face by tenants living in ground floor?
“Hence, I’ve decided to file a report to police station and she did came to police station bringing an unlabelled pill stating it’s her anxiety pill.
“When the seargent asked if she has card to validate her mental illness, she told us it was a mild anxiety and there’s no card to verify her mental illness.
“Regardless anything at all, one can’t just simply slap someone else and cover it up with “mild anxiety”
“Of course the police demanded her to apologise and so she did…by saying “i am willing to apologise but for you to acknowledge my apologies is another story..Yes I’m wrong but she’s also not considerate at all”
“Tbh, I don’t acknowledge it at all and it was still one of the most insincere apologies I’ve encountered.
“In the end, I’ve decided to walk way from that so called “mediation” because it wasting time talking to uncivilised people.
“I can’t believe it’s 2022, and this kind of thing still happened. I understand that I may need to be considerate which was why I had informed her a night before that I’ll be using the kitchen and not to mentioned, it was my first time cooking at 5am and that she chooses to stay in the room front of the kitchen from the very beginning.
“Currently I’m still living in the same house because this is the last month of our tenancy in this house. I’m still living in fear hoping that she won’t hurt me.
“This video is from CCTV footage provided by landlord and it has been in the kitchen from day 1.
“Really The most horrible day of my life.”
Ketika artikel ini ditulis, video tersebut telah pun meraih 497K tontonan, 387 komen dan 65 perkongsian di applikasi Facebook.
Meninjau di ruangan komen, rata-rata warga netizen berang dengan sikap housematenya itu yang langsung tidak bertimbang rasa dan sangat keterlaluan.
Antara komen warga maya:
“lempang la dia balik..tak kena buku dengan ruas boleh la nak bully”

“please sue her..takeit to legal.. people should never use mental illness to validate their actions when it’s an obvious harassment”

“geramnya.. halau dia keluar.. saman dia.. biar dia menyesal..”

“kalau diani jadi housemate, mmg ku pijak ni mukanya laju2.. sudah la orang lapar, tiba2 saja datang menampar”

“kalau aku ketuk balik dengan senduk tu.. aku pun anxiety disorder jgk tapi tak sampai tabuh orang dok masak..”

Difahamkan, gadis tersebut masih tinggal di dalam rumah yang sama dan berharap agar housematenya tidak mengapa-apakan dirinya lagi.