Bagi peminat industri hiburan negara kita pastinya mengenali pelakon cantik Nadiyah Shahab.
Nadiyah yang terkenal dengan gelaran Barbie Malaysia, berkongsi detik-detik manis dalam hidupnya apabila berjaya menggenggam ijazah dalam bidang undang-undang.
Menerusi laman Instagram miliknya, Nadiyah Shahab telah berkongsikan berita gembira dia kini telah selamat menggenggam segulung ijazah dan secara rasminya telah bergelar seorang graduan sarjana undang-undang dengan kepujian.
“This day belongs to my whole entire village. My mum, my family, my friends & my husband who supported me through every unnerving decision I made. It took me 7 long (and once laughable) years to complete what should’ve been done in 4. But in that 7 years too I built a company, I started modelling, hosting, acting…. I even got married! I wouldn’t have all those things if I didn’t allow life to take its course naturally. And despite the insanity of juggling everything, of having to refuse(and be refused) countless jobs due to the ridiculous schedules I gave, of having to go back to Singapore every month to collect the notes of all my missed classes, of skipping endless parties and social events coz I was nerding out in my study-cave like a hermit for weeks on end……. In all honesty, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I guess what I’m saying is…. Succeed at your own time and pace coz all our stories have been written so beautifully for us, just waiting to unfold if we place our trust in Him I couldn’t be more grateful for this Bachelor of Laws with Honours I can finally call mine. Alhamdulillah for His blessings”
Rata-rata para peminat mengucapkan tahniah kepada Nadiyah Shahab di atas kejayaan beliau.
Namun begitu ramai juga yang tertarik dengan penampilan ibunya yang sangat cantik dan kelihatan sebaya.

“Wow ur mum looks Soo young…btw what’s the brand of her green top… Where to purchase hehe”
“Ur mum is beautiful.. moga Allah panjangkan umurnya..dberikan kshtan yg baik..mak2 mmg power!”
“Look young nya ur mum . Like 25 years old”
“Ya Allah mak mcm kawan… so beautiful and young ur mom!!!!”
Menurut Nadiyah di ruangan komen, ibunya kini sudah mencecah usia 54 tahun pada tahun ini.

Tahniah lagi sekali diucapkan buat Nadiyah Shahab di atas kejayaan yang dikecapi oleh beliau.
Semoga usaha dan kejayaan ini menjadi inspirasi buat semua peminat untuk mengejar ilmu hingga berjaya.